Customer Best Practices”Restoring the source code of released Android apps and making improvements in line with updates”has been released
2024/12/01 NEWS
ATHLEE (Headquarters: Singapore, hereinafter referred to as “our company”), which provides support in the field of corporate IT development and startup management in collaboration with engineers around the world, supports the digital transformation of our customers in a comprehensive manner, from the construction of innovative AI services to app and system development and web marketing, through collaboration with more than 900 development partner companies in 29 countries around the world.
In working on projects with customers from a wide range of industries, we would like to introduce some examples of customers who have made excellent and effective use of engineers, which we can call best practices.
This time, we would like to introduce the restoration of source code for Android apps that have already been released and the improvements made in conjunction with updates.
For more details, please see the following link.
Restoring the source code of released Android apps and making improvements in line with updates
If you are interested in the services we provide, please feel free to contact us using the inquiry form (
Customer Best Practices “Service development using generative AI supported by ATHLEE” has been released
Customer Best Practices”Restoring the source code of released Android apps and making improvements in line with updates”has been released
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